separated at birth?
So I'm searching on NetGalley for a bunch of books I maybe want to review for Tablet. I'm looking for Better [...]
Lance Armstrong SorryWatch
We read the transcripts so you don't have to. And crunched the numbers and rated the apology elements. Because we SorryWatchers [...]
civilize your own damn self
More ranting from me about bad manners in Tablet magazine. Last time it was feral children; this time it's raised-in-a-barn [...]
good manners among children and Republicans
What do small children and Fox News pundits have in common? […]
more from vaccine nation
In this week's Tablet magazine, column, once again, I'm writing about vaccination. And once again, the comments are sort of [...]
In recent SorryWatch news…
There is such a thing as a funny rape joke, but this thing from the Oatmeal guy is not it. Mr. [...]