Here's this week's Tablet column -- like every other human who writes about parenting, I weighed in on Where the [...]
What to wear to the bris
Look at the design carefully. Can't you see yourself in this, passing the bagels, explaining who the baby is named [...]
Josie stepped on a slug the other day. IN HER BEDROOM. It apparently got in through the tiny sliver of [...]
more boobtastic anxiety
This week’s Tablet column, pegged to parent company Nextbook’s Jewish Body Week, is up. It’s about breastfeeding mishegas. Here it [...]
bully for you…
My Tablet column this week was about Mean Girls, bullying, and Jewish perspectives thereon. You can read it [...]
in which i mess with my cousins’ brains
Until I bought this book, used, a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t seen it in at least 29 years. [...]