crystal renn on ellen
Crystal was on Ellen DeGeneres yesterday, along with other plus models (including the amazing Kate Dillon, my favorite model from [...]
our next release: a plush mengele!
The mind reels. Steiff, the venerable toy company, sells a stuffed golliwog doll. (Golliwog: a 19th century storybook character based [...]
the little secret
On Yom Kippur, Josie plucked a book out of my listing stack of review copies. A couple of hours later, [...]
book-banning is boo.
My latest column for Tablet,in honor of Banned Books Week, is here. It's an annotated poem about censorship in the [...]
sincerest form of WHATEVER
On top, Marc by Marc Jacobs leather pump from several seasons back, on sale at Zappo's for $249 (reduced from $499!). [...]
coping with miscarriage’s memory…
Here’s another old East Village Mamele column from the Forward, where it’s no longer online. I wrote it [...]