Happy Halloween
Nu, where are all the scary Jewish children's books? (We'll always have Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins.) In other children's book [...]
Wedding dresses, just because
I enjoyed this post on wedding dresses, from Liz Black, a writer revisiting her wedding dress nine years later. It [...]
Burning Man and Elizabeth Warren (no, not together)
Go read this delightful cartoon by Kelly Bahmer-Brouse about Frances Perkins and her hats. Which is relevant because early this [...]
Tisha B’Av and TV
Here are some things I wrote: A look at activism planned for the Jewish holiday/fast day of Tisha B'Av (here's [...]
Only talking about positive things in this post!
SWEDEN, of all places, has become a huge source of Yiddish children's media! Meshuggeh! The woman who runs the chevra [...]
A meditation on borscht and family
Ah, the potency of borscht as memory. Look, it's no coincidence that no one is neutral about borscht: You love [...]