Marjorie Ingall is the author of Mamaleh Knows Best: What Jewish Mothers Do to Raise Successful, Creative, Empathetic, Independent Children and Sorry Sorry Sorry: The Case for Good Apologies (with New York Times-bestselling author Susan McCarthy; it’s newly out in paperback as Getting to Sorry) as well as co-creator of the web site SorryWatch, which analyzes apologies in the news, in history, and in the arts. Marjorie is also the author of Hungry (with the plus-size model Crystal Renn), The Field Guide to North American Males, and Smart Sex (with Jessica Vitkus). She often writes about children’s books for the New York Times Book Review. She’s been a columnist for Tablet magazine and The Forward (where she was known as “The East Village Mamele”); a contributing writer for Glamour and Self; and Senior Writer at the late, lamented Sassy, where she was also the books editor. She was on the startup team at the Oxygen TV network, where she learned that her perkiness levels were not up to a job in daytime talk television.