More fun with the NYT’s Apology Watch crew
SorryWatch was sent an internal email -- a really, really terrible apology! -- from the bowels of corporate apology expert [...]
Fabulous picture books on cosmology. For the wee. A column in Tablet magazine. Buy these books immediately.
be vewwy vewwy quiet…
I haven't gotten hate mail in weeks, so here is a column in Tablet magazine about my fur coat.Â
and in today’s controversy…
...I look at Tiger Mother Amy Chua's new book with her husband Jed Rubenfeld, The Triple Package: How Three Unlikely [...]
SorryWatch vs. Apology Watch in Gawker
Gawker discusses the wee imbroglio in which NYT bestselling author Susan McCarthy and I (who have been doing SorryWatch since [...]
why don’t jews celebrate birthdays?
SOME Jews. Some of us just kvetch about them. As I discuss in Tablet magazine this week. Bonus thing: Let's [...]