jewy-not-jewish young adult novels
This week’s Tablet magazine column took a look at contemporary YA novels in which being Jewish is part of the characters’ lives, [...]
bad apologies! in real simple!
The piece I wrote for Real Simple back in June, about how NOT to apologize, is now online. Feel free to read it [...]
never read the comments necklace
From Etsy. Could be yours. Probably should be, if you write about Israel, circumcision, vaccines and banned books. AND BY [...]
mendy and the golem
In Tablet Magazine this week, a look at Mendy and the Golem -- "the first kosher comic book," as its tagline had [...]
if ever there were a “don’t read the comments” situation… would be a piece about Jewish parents choosing not to circumcise.
more bylines!
1. Tablet magazine column on why Jewish camp is so "sticky," as they say. (It's not the bug juice.) (I do [...]