all-of-a-kind family walking tour!
I went. It was delightful. Despite A MONSOON. I snarled about a horrid NYC landlord and his despicable entitled frat-boy [...]
today in unsound pedagogy
Why a Holocaust app for kids is not a great idea: The father says goodbye, smiling and waving, and promises [...]
reminding myself for next Passover
This is an awesome Tumblr post on ancient haroset recipes of many lands!
random unrelated byline mega-roundup
I got a matzoh manicure for Passover, in tribute to my neighborhood's dearly departed Streit's factory. Let's think very hard [...]
i have been uncharacteristically quiet
My book is all done! (It comes out on August 30th. You can preorder it on IndieBound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, [...]
more obsessing about the JAP Rap on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Since I apparently can’t stop raving about this show, I wrote another thing about it: My feelings about the super-duper-insider-y [...]