a book under my own name!
From Publisher's Marketplace this week: Tablet parenting columnist and frequent NYTBR contributor Marjorie Ingall's REVENGE OF THE JEWISH MOTHER, in [...]
not the best jewish books of all time list
I contributed to a massive undertaking -- 101 Great Jewish Books: A Catalog of the Works that Shape the Jewish [...]
on my abortion, miscarriage, jewish law and judginess
I will not read the comments. I will not read the comments. I will not read the comments.
children’s-book footwear, part 2!
Let us revisit my 7th most popular all-time post, a look at the pressing problem of which designer shoes to [...]
3 picture books about awesome jews
This week’s Tablet magazine column is on illustrated biographies for kids (and grownups!) that will absolutely knock your socks off…thus making you [...]
More from the family archive…
My dad wrote this for the Providence Journal in 1982. It shows his humor, his activism, his healthy sense of [...]