what i have been up to lately
Working on my book. Pissing off parents of kids with nut allergies. Pondering certification for ethically kosher marijuana. Reviewing a [...]
Jewy fanfic!
You guys, I had so much fun doing this story on Jewish fanfiction for Tablet magazine. It made me realize [...]
Tablet magazine’s new commenting system
Tablet's comment section has tended to be pretty vitriolic. In the comments I have been called everything from a “latte-swilling,†“spoilt,†“knucklehead†[...]
Unable to shut up about vaccines
Hey, I wrote about vaccines again. How are you? Another look at how failing to vaccinate your children is NOT [...]
The Last Jewish Mother on TV
The actress who played Mrs. Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory recently passed away, and with her went a once-pervasive [...]
all the london!
Mind your head! Fasten your safety belts; clench your buttocks! It’s going be a bumpy ride! Nah. We had a great time, [...]