what’s new, pussycat
I did not love the Superheroes in Gotham exhibit at the New-York Historical Society. I liked it. It was cute. [...]
today in bylines and other exciting activities
I was a judge for the New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s Books of 2015. I loved working with Monica [...]
shiny new bylines
I reviewed a bunch of SCAWY SCAWY children's picture books in The New York Times, and shared with the world the [...]
byline alerts…
Getting my Jew on over at SorryWatch: A wrap-up of High Holiday apology coverage, Maimonides on apology,  and forgiveness-related art. Oh [...]
and what have i been up to lately?
Here is why I think Stephen Colbert is the best exemplar of a person of faith in America today, and [...]