meatless mondays
Great guest post on the awesome Fed Up With School Lunch blog from Elizabeth Puccini of NYC Green Schools. It’s about [...]
pity the wee
As I type, Josie is taking her third grade New York State English Language Arts test. She's been a little [...]
scritch scritch
My latest Tablet magazine column is here. Read it and I bet your head starts to itch. By the way, [...]
i am smitten
Because love is not love which alters when it alteration finds...except in this case, in which the Sassy Gay Friend saves [...]
how do you say “oy” in arabic?
I'm about to head to the library to return the gazillion children's and YA books I've read about Israeli and [...]
we give books!
What a delightful idea from Penguin children's books. Read a book online with a kid, and Penguin will donate an [...]