the roof is on fire
Really scary-looking 4-alarm fire in the East Village last night. One address, 150+ firefighters, San Diego Fire Watch Company fire [...]
israeli jewish and palestinian midwives working together
How cool does the Midwives Coexistence Project sound? Funded by Circle of Health International, a community-based NGO that works with [...]
island go boom
My uncle, Michael Krepon, tells quite a tale over at Arms Control Wonk. Uncle Michael is a scholar, think-tanker and international-peace-fighter-for. [...]
feminist hulk
This is old news but I just read this Ms. Magazine interview with Feminist Hulk. GEEEEENIUS! […]
I love when the Tablet magazine folk let me indulge my obsessions. I had a particularly awesome time writing this [...]
crocs: i am troubled.
I had just laughed merrily — OH HO HO HO HO HO, thusly — at A Little Pregnant’s post about [...]