shut up about Crystal’s weight already
I got a bunch of email after this picture of Crystal hit the wires: Honestly, I hadn’t seen Crystal in [...]
online bullying & nasty hair-tossing Beverly Hills teens
My current Tablet magazine column is on cyberbullying. My editor Liel and I strove for a Jewy take on the [...]
Israel is considering denying citizenship to Jews whose conversions to Judaism were performed by Conservative or Reform rabbis. There's a [...]
not waving but drowning
Important summer safety interruption: Drowning doesn't look like drowning. This piece by a maritime safety expert (a former New Orleans [...]
how i know i have manhattan children
Maxie had a playdate with her pal Kiran. They made a "velvet rope" out of paper chains taped between the [...]
art for the gulf
Artist Kelly Light is running a charity auction of affordable work by terrific illustrators, printmakers, painters and children's book artists, [...]