another excellent westboro protest sign!
Shirley Phelps! Look at your life! Look at your choices! Always nice to have another one for the collection.
homophobia is alive and well and living in new jersey (UPDATED!)
Hoo boy. Yesterday a New Jersey Jewish newspaper published an apology to its readers. For what? For the “pain and [...]
k’tonton club
Maxie is in love with K'tonton, a vintage Jewish children's book character. I wrote about K'tonton's history for Tablet magazine [...]
the invisible baby
The new parenting web site Kveller reprinted an old story of mine about miscarriage. Rereading, that was not a [...]
crochet car! (UPDATED)
I had to take Josie to the “Knitting is for Pussies” show by Polish-born, NYC-based artist Olek at the Christopher [...]
oh dear
New pix of Crystal hit the interwebs today, from the forthcoming October issue of Vogue Paris (French Vogue to us [...]