I'm on this week's episode of Unorthodox, our nation's #1 Jewish podcast. It's my...fourth? I think? appearance to talk about [...]
Gimme a job and you’ll instantly get me invoooooooooolved
A Chorus Line reference! Because I am a big ol' theater nerd! Sorry not sorry. So I'm looking for work, [...]
Holocaust kidlit and more
I wrote an essay that ran in the New York Times Book Review this past Sunday: “Why Are There So [...]
The best LGBTQ children’s and young adult books IMHO
Happy Pride! I think I last did a booklist about this topic in 2016. Here are the books I'd [...]
Susan and I handed in our book about apologies! It will not be called SORRY SORRY SORRY and it will [...]
Holocaust kidlit and current politics (and a podcast)
For International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I wrote for Tablet about the best children’s Holocaust books of 2020. No Anne Frank [...]