SORRY SORRY SORRY is out in paperback!
It's got a new cover and a new name, GETTING TO SORRY. I think it's supposed to look less girly? [...]
sorry i’ve been quiet
My husband is at Burning Man along with his L.E.D. Zeppelin art car. (When I was a child, did I [...]
Who has two thumbs and Covid and therefore missed her own book event? THIS GAL. I'm all better now but [...]
Live and in person!
I'll be on GMA3 tomorrow to talk about Sorry, Sorry, Sorry: The Case for Good Apologies. In the pre-interview with [...]
Two early reviews!
My co-author Susan McCarthy (aka Sumac) and I are just starting to see reviews for Sorry, Sorry, Sorry: The Case [...]
Not sorry to say: new book alert!
My pal Susan McCarthy and I have been analyzing apologies (in the news, pop culture, history, and literature) at SorryWatch since (gulp) [...]