the best comics for kids
FYI, the American Library Association's "Core Titles" list of good comics for kids. Intimidatingly comprehensive but indispensable. Love how it [...]
well THERE’S a shock
Tablet's readers think I suck some more! Dude, YOUR SUBURB IS THE BEST SUBURB IN THE UNIVERSE AND IT IS [...]
i’ve got your gifted right here
Coincidentally, my Tablet magazine piece this week, about Jewish camps for special-needs kids, ran the same day as [...]
post-camp re-entry survival guide
I amuse myself. If Josie doesn't stop talking about Ga-ga (not the Lady, the Israeli dodgeball game) I [...]
sartorial mishegas
This week in Tablet magazine, I ponder shatnez, the rule in the Torah that prohibits wearing clothes containing both wool [...]
gnomen est omen
If I were to buy a $78 Halloween costume that my children would find creepy and refuse to wear, it's [...]