Books, talk, and DRAAAAMA in a good way (at last)
For the New York Times Book Review this past weekend, I reviewed four wild fantasy novels. Make that three wild [...]
Sorry I've been quiet. My last feature for Tablet was on HIAS's National Refugee Shabbat...the event that triggered the Pittsburgh [...]
All the stuff
Look, it's turn-of-the-century swimming champ Rose Pitonof, aka "The Coney Island Mermaid"! Star of tobacco trading cards and Steeplechase Pier! On [...]
Roundup time!
* College visiting and associated angsting. * Did you know that you can buy a 1959 children's book by [...]
College tour bingo
We got back last night from a marathon Midwest tour of prospective colleges for Josie (plus a visit to my [...]
Magic, snazzy children’s books, seltzer and comedy
Here's a visit to the New-York Historical Society's "Summer of Magic" show. David Copperfield's hair, in person, was MESMERIZING. And [...]