Farewell to Fred Bass, man of The Strand. (Plus: My life in Strand moments.)

What Pixar’s Coco can teach us about death and loss.

Four 2017 children’s picture books you absolutely should not purchase for Hanukah (or any other occasion). 



  1. tanita January 5, 2018 at 1:50 pm

    I haven’t yet seen Coco (mainly because the drive-in I wanted to see it at has a double feature with Star Wars… um, no thank you, I don’t want to spend four hours in the car without going anywhere) but now I really want to… save it for a day when I feel the need of catharsis. I’ve lot the habit of going to movies in the last several years, and I’m so behind! But I am glad this one sounds worth the wait.

  2. Joe January 11, 2018 at 7:13 pm

    The article about four picture books not to purchase had me howling, especially Barack’s Kushner line.

    I tip my hat to you, witty, you. Thanks for the laugh.

    (This is the guy who wrote the screed about Her Right Foot on Heavy Medal, btw)

  3. marjorieingall January 17, 2018 at 7:06 pm

    I loved your Right Foot screed even though I disagree. Quality screed right there.

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