Elsa-and-Anna-Wallpapers-frozen-35894707-1600-1200OK, it’s not quiescent. (That means restful.) But the old Popsicle slogan just popped into my head.

Anyway, I wrote a piece for Tablet magazine about why I found Frozen to be feminist and weird and delightful. And I’m a tough room.


  1. Nilly Gill January 22, 2014 at 4:13 pm

    Dear Marjorie,
    The piece you wrote for Tablet Magazine about the film “Frozen” from a feminist focus is OUTSTANDING! thank you so much for your enlightened point of view and also for your great mind opening observation! I saw this film recently with my son who is a preschool creative development teacher at a school in S.F. We both were very impressed by the film and even wondered whether it’s more for adults then children simply because of some scary-harsh moments with the ice, but it seems kids love it, I guess young people are more exposed and less shocked these days….I am a professional painter and poet in San Diego and belong to a feminist women artists group called: FIG , I have forwarded your article about the film to our group and started receiving several enthusiastic responses, also forwarded it to my son. You are a great writer , doing an important service to the film and our society with your observation.
    Thank you,
    Nilly Gill

  2. marjorieingall January 22, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    thank you so much, nilly!

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