In completely non-me news, I just saw Birds of Prey with my teenage kid who loves girl-power ass-kicking in media, and to my surprise, I loved it. I did not get any of the comic-book references and it did not matter. I also thought there was a direct visual reference to the Margaret Atwood line, “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” Let me know if you have inside knowledge.

In me news, Spaghetti Bolognese! Jewish superfood! Its Hebraic origins SHROUDED IN MYSTERY!
Passover is coming. A little planning ahead will help engage your kids in the seder and foster delight for all.
Remember when I was bitching about there being too many bullshit picture books about Coco Chanel? Most of the gazillion picture books about Ruth Bader Ginsburg are better…but there are still TOO DANG MANY. And this is a problem. And I will tell you why.
Over at, on the heels of the Astros’ crappy apologies for cheating, we have a GOOD sports apology:
It’s Australia’s apology to Peter Norman, the white athlete on this 1968 Olympic podium, who was punished mightily for supporting the two African-American athletes.
Hello Marjorie,
I didn’t know how else to get in touch with you so I thought I would try this. Original article about Elizabeth Warren in Washington Square speaking about the triangle shirt waist factory. You mentioned that you are a buff on that subject?
I have a little story about my grandmother who was 16 at the time. She had just come over from Russia and was waiting on a corner to meet her girlfriend who was going to get her a job at a Factory as a seamstress. She waited quite a while and the friend never showed up. My grandmother went home very angry as she was a woman of her word. The next day, yes you guessed it, Was the great fire. I believe her girlfriend perished. But had she met my grandmother that day I wouldn’t be here.
Esterita Austin