Shana tova, for those who swing that way!

So what’s news? There is a new children’s book called Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf. I hated it like an eggnog latte.

Shmelf the Hanukkah Elf

I was a guest on the Unorthodox podcast, talking about the year’s best and worst apologies.

You should buy a fragrance from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, the Lovecraftian cult alchemist, to support the First Amendment Banned. Books Week natterings are here.

A Fox News personality did racist stuff and then issued a crappy “I regret” non-apology.

In Mamaleh Knows Best book news, check out this smart piece in the Chicago Tribune and gaze upon my tattoo-free arms in The Times of Israel.


One Comment

  1. Dane Nolan October 8, 2016 at 6:22 am

    Loved your book Mamaleh Knows Best. Even though my kids are all grown or almost grown, I’m not Jewish, and I’m a man, my goal in life is to become a Jewish Mother.

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