
This week’s Tablet magazine column: A look at best practices for sex education (shout-out to the awesome Population Council) and how some Jewish schools and educators are trying to incorporate them.  I can’t decide which I like more: Tablet art director Esther Werdiger’s work on this story, or her work on Tal Trachtman Aloy’s story about the little-known Jewish history of the Girl Scout movement.


But why choose? Both would make awesome fabric patterns I could totally see on Modcloth skirts.

In other writing news, here’s a piece I did on finding an essay by my dad (a psychiatrist, activist and writer) about the death penalty, and how it made me wish I could talk to him about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Here’s a piece about obscenity and shock value, pegged to the anniversary of George Carlin’s Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television. Here’s a somewhat loonypants rant about horrifying flavors of hummus. (Loony but I MEAN IT.) And on SorryWatch, a good Chris Pratt pre-apology, two decent corporate apologies, and an ultracrappy “apology” from a racist high school principal.

Have a lovely weekend, people!


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