Go to (Backstory: Turns out an acquaintance from The Well owns the domain and wasn't using it, and surprised me [...]
How to Pitch: Fretful Mother
Writers’ guidelines for America’s (and Marge Simpson’s) fave neurosis-fomenting parenting magazine, in my Tablet column this week. PS. If you don’t [...]
more from my interview with the archer-rabbi
In my piece on archery and Judaism for Tablet, I quoted Rabbi Barry Dov Lerner, an archery instructor who is [...]
code name verity is all that
So I'm coming up with a list of future column topics for Tablet, and I can't remember what I've written [...]
separated at birth, political division
and But I'm also seeing a smidgen of this.
zing went the strings of my heart
One of my favorite not-written-by-me Tablet column headlines was I Am Charlotte's Tsimmes. Which got literary and nutball points, but [...]