Clueless is now on Netflix, and replete with Jewishness!

I took a spooky hard-hat tour of the old abandoned Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital. Look, I took a picture of a spooky window pane.

Here are three new picture books about Israel for parents who are ambivalent about Israel.

What the hell is this vintage goober of an Israeli hat doing on current fashion runways? And, God help us, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art?

Meet the Jazz-Age Jewess behind NYC’s repressive Cabaret Law.

And whoo, a bunch of new posts on SorryWatch, including a close reading of Harvey Weinstein’s execrable, whiplash-inducing apology, and a wee apology-adjacent linguistics lesson, for you word nerds. (Also, a SorryWatcher opined in USAToday about Equifax’s lousy apology.)

My daughter’s Bat Mitzvah is in 10 days and I have to make 200 origami boats. Bye. 





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