Who has two thumbs and Covid and therefore missed her own book event?
I’m all better now but that was a bummer. Thank you to Lower East Side indie bookshop P&T Knitwear and my co-author Susan and editor Hannah, who ably represented the book in my absence. Please admire my book-cover manicure that no one got to see.

Other fun things have happened, though! Here’s the GMA interview I mentioned in my last post. Relatedly, here is a link from Shop Your TV saying that I was wearing a dress by Nic + Zoe that cost $178 which HA HA, it was from H&M. I had a great time even in my CHEAP-ASS DRESS. (I also wore purple Fluevogs, which are not cheap, but were a gift.)
Susan and I were also on NPR’s “All Things Considered.”
Here’s a very readable piece from the NYT by Jessica Grose that quotes us about teaching kids to apologize.
We were in People magazine (print only! wild!), which called the book “a witty, useful guide.” Sure!
Oprah ran an excerpt from the book.
Here’s a little snippet we put together for Readers Digest, on how NOT to apologize.
Here’s Times Radio (UK), which recycled the interview on a news podcast. Spoiler alert: A British political apology IN SONG!
Here’s the Wall Street Journal on a shockingly decent business apology. The WSJ has a policy of not linking to books (hmph) so HEY LOOK, VOILA,
Susan and I were on the “
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books” podcast. I absolutely love that web site, so it was a big thrill! Hostess Smart Bitch Sarah recommended the book
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price, PhD, during the taping, and holy smokes, I have since read it and it was so helpful and insightful to me as someone with both autistic and genderqueer family members! Thank you, Smart Bitch Sarah.
Another fun podcast I did, this one solo, was
“The Secret Life of Cookies.” The host, Marissa Rothkopf, is a former journo (she and I both worked at the dawn of the Oxygen TV network, on different shows, way back when the vision was to be political and feminist and ambitious and funny; not many folks recall that the network was launched by Oprah, Geraldine Laybourne, and the producing team of Carsey Werner Mandabach — SAD how that whole mishegas played out, but I digress). Post-Oxygen, Marissa wound up going to culinary school, and on her podcasts, she and a guest bake together and discuss the person’s work. I discovered I cannot bake and talk at the same time. I sort of knew this. But it was confirmed when I had to add the baking soda that I saw still sitting on the counter AFTER I’d added every single other ingredient. Marissa’s “elevated oatmeal dark-chocolate cherry” cookies still came out delicious! You can see a bit of me pontificating at Marissa in my accidentally trippy kitchen lighting,

I look like I have GHOST WHISKERS. (Which is why I used the cat and cookies as the hero image for this post. That’s not my cat and those are not my cookies, but I swear I made cookies with a cat who was circling my feet and I look like a cat in that video and DON’T JUDGE ME.)
The next
in-person event is with NYT columnist Ron Lieber in Brooklyn, at Congregation Beth Elohim, on
Feb 8 at 7pm, if you know any Brooklynites (or people willing to cross bridges) who might wanna go. And Susan and I together will be speaking at the American Booksellers Association conference in Seattle on later in the month, and we are super-psyched.
In non-book news, I am also psyched that I will be making a uterus-shaped challah for Repro Shabbat in a couple of weeks. And I will wear my infamous uterus skirt to shul. (Though not with a Bella Abzug tee because I will be fancy.)