Using children’s books to explain the refugee crisis to kids (this piece triggered hate mail and nasty social media comments from both the left AND the right — both sides think I am a patsy and a dipshit, which is not news). Also, here’s a piece about a shul that built a Sukkah as a metaphor for the refugee crisis.

Photo by Eric Petschek

Here is horror auteur Shirley Jackson’s kugel recipe.

Think hard before you start preaching the importance of self-forgiveness.

Also, how to apologize to your cat.

Look, an excellent apology for an unintentionally but definitely homophobic line in a book review. (FYI: We LIKE showcasing excellent apologies at SorryWatch. We just wish there were MORE OF THEM.)

And aw hey, nice reviews for Mamaleh Knows Best in Hadassah Magazine and Lilith Magazine. (“Richly sourced”!)



  1. tanita October 28, 2016 at 2:49 pm

    What? You are not universally adored for telling people if they think refugees are poisonous Skittles that they can go fly something pointed and deadly that isn’t aerodynamic and which might land on their heads?

    Shocking, I tell you. Aghast.

  2. Julie October 30, 2016 at 7:58 pm

    I have a Jewish lifestyle blog and would love to do a blog post on your new book. I featured it recently in my monthly scoop. Please let me know if you are interested. Many thanks! I’m a big fan. Warmly, Julie

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