Long time no post. To make up for it, here’s a piece about the 3oth anniversary of Heather Has Two Mommies (I KNOW, RIGHT??) and its prolific author Lesléa Newman’s latest book, a lovely ode to immigration. (Spoiler alert: Newman is for it.) Please enjoy an illustration from the 1989 version of Heather and one from the current version.
Further byline roundup: I wrote about a sort of consciousness-raising group for tween and teen boys, aimed at helping them embrace masculinity in an affirming, enlightened, n0n-bullying, non-rapey, non-toxic-in-general way. I found myself disagreeing with some of the ideas and methods, but was hugely impressed with its thoughtfulness…and as someone who identifies as female, I value the notion of men figuring out what works for men.
I also wrote about a lousy apology for antisemitism (nope, not Ilhar Oman‘s) and about children’s books to read for Tu B’Shevat (“the New Year for the trees,” aka the Jewish version of Earth Day)
And as ever, we have loads of thrilling and dismaying new apology analysis (a racist crossword puzzle! more racism, from Cindy McCain! bad behavior in DC — shocking, we’re sure — and Brooklyn! and hold the phone, a plethora of ACTUALLY GOOD apologies!) over at SorryWatch. We also appeared on NPR, talking to WNYC’s Amy Walter about the art of the political apology.